Alexandre Bilodeau

Alexandre was hooked into acrobatic skiing at a very young age at Ski Chanteclerc. He developed his talent as a teenager then into young adulthood migrating to Mont Gabriel and St-Sauveur.

Through a clever mix of talent and performance, he won the FIS World Cup in 2009, right at home on the slope that he had spent so much time training on, at Mont Gabriel. He won his first olympic Gold Medal right here in Canada at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics and defended this title with a second Gold Medal in Sochi in 2014. At the end of his mogul skier career he will have cumulated an additional three World Championship titles.

Rich of a brillant career as a mogul skier, he successfully transitioned into the world of business finance where his talents now see him fully involved in a number of business projects.

He particularly enjoys backcountry skiing, from Mont Édouard to Gaspésie, or the occasional trip to Europe or the Rockies. He is an avid enthusiast of accompanying powder seeking ski groups or heliskiing adventures.

He is adamant about the Trottier family’s hereditary supportive role bringing athletes the right support at the right time in their discipline. It is with this in mind that he is a proud Ski Town Brossard Ambassador.

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